Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Best *Iced* Mocha in Town

I had been craving an iced mocha, so my loverly boyfriend took the hint (if you call threats a hint, then yes, I took the hint) and brought me to get one. He's the best!
I know we may not look like it, but we are old enough to drink coffee. And we're still young enough to eat dessert before dinner. Go us!
Now the greatest place to get an iced mocha in town is Stellar Beans!
What separates Stellar Beans iced mochas from the coffee competition, is its balance of flavor.
Iced mochas at other coffee shops tend to be either overly bitter and overpower the chocolate (which defeats the purpose of getting a CHOCOLATE drink!), or be overly sweet and have very little coffee flavor (which is girlier than drinking an iced mocha).
Stellar Beans, on the other hand, somehow manages to create a mochalocity of deliciousness!!! It reminds of us the chocolate milk we used to drink as kids, while still having enough coffee to keep us adults alive. Because we consider ourselves adults....
Coffee isn't all they have to offer at Stellar Beans. Check out their site and Facebook page for upcoming concerts, artsy shows, and delicious menu items.
In other words, we totally dig Stellar Beans.
Although we're big supporters of using forks, if you drink with one, you're a DORK!
<3 Tim & Bron

1 comment:

  1. My favorite blog post so far! It might be because its about coffee! haha or stellar beans, cuz I totally agree, they do have the best! and ya'll are so cute!
